with acne disappear quiet heart

With acne disappear Quiet Heart

We already know that stress can cause acne, and maybe at some level of stress a person can make acne worse. With severe acne that arise in the face, then the level of stress a person is to be increased and objec this happens repeatedly, creating a vicious circle.

Under these conditions it is torturing selves, and may live to be spiritless. For that we would probably need to calm down and reflect for a moment, in order to calm the liver and reduced stress. To do this, follow these tips so that we can tackle this acne problem.

how to soothe the heart :

  • sit with an upright body position and let it relax
  • touch in the center of the chest with right palm
  • remove all the affairs in your mind, and relax
  • Taste of vibration in the chest that you touch (this happens if you just relax)
  • believe that God has always loved and will help you
  • Have fun and a beautiful smile as you realize that the Lord is helping you and always love you

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